Betty White Quotes

  • You can lie to anyone in the world and even get away with it, perhaps, but when you are alone and look into your own eyes in the mirror, you can’t sidestep the truth. Always be sure you can meet those eyes directly.
  • It’s your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don’t take yourself too seriously, pretty soon, you can find the humour in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver.
  • I know unless I’m true to myself I couldn’t be happy. Too much emphasis is placed today on externals and too little on character.
  • People have told me, “Betty, Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with old friends…” At my age, If I wanted to keep in touch with old friends, I’d need a ouija board.
  • I was blessed with a mother and father who said taste the good stuff now and realise how fortunate and how wonderful things are this minute because enough minutes are not wonderful that you have to save up all the good ones to make it balance out.
  • One thing they don’t tell you about growing old—you don’t feel old, you just feel like yourself. And it’s true. I don’t feel eighty-nine years old. I simply am eighty-nine years old.
  • You know people who are already saying, “I’m going to be 30, oh, what am I going to do?” Well, use that decade! Use them all!
  • My exercise: I have a two-storey house and a very bad memory, so I’m up and down those stairs.
  • I’ve always liked older men. They’re just more attractive to me. Of course, at my age, there aren’t that many left.
  • Why do people say, “Grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding!
  • If one is lucky enough to be blessed with good health, growing older shouldn’t be something to complain about. It’s not a surprise; we knew it was coming—make the most of it. So, you may not be as fast on your feet, and the image in your mirror may be a little disappointing, but if you are still functioning and not in pain, gratitude should be the name of the game.
  • You can always tell about somebody by the way they put their hands on any animal.

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